Thursday, July 5, 2012

Goodbye at home: Starlight's last day

A client wrote this article about her experience, which was published in the Nevada County Union newspaper. Goodbye at home: Starlight's last day I am writing this article to share with you my experience euthanizing my dear dog Starlight. I want to share this with you because I want you to know that it does not have to be a bad or traumatic experience. It can be kind and loving, when done at home by a competent veterinarian. My veterinarian was Linda Reznicek DVM of Goodbye at Home. The following is how I felt during the experience, my emotions, observations, and thoughts. I hope it helps you, the reader, decide how to handle things the next time you need to have a dear pet euthanized. My experience with Starlight was peaceful and serene, like meditation, centered on love, unconditional love. That day I was allowed to be myself with my deep emotion. My way to say goodbye. I was absolutely not feeling uncomfortable taking Starlight for the last time in my arms, talking to her, kissing her ear. It was like nobody was next to me watching. It was like Linda wasn't there. I didn't feel a single moment that it was a business. I was not presented with a bill up front. She was not focused on money. She was focused on love. I was so calm and within myself that my body didn't feel the need to cry. It was not like a separation forever. It was just a moment where one more time you give love to your companion of 15 years. Linda's compassion and expertise allowed me to live fully without having to interact with her. This was my moment. I had lived another experience of that kind. It was awful and my dear pet suffered. There is no way that I will ever bring my beloved animals to a cold and stressful clinic to be euthanized. In this case, Linda came to my home. She first let me kneel down next to my Starlight. She kneeled down too, and let the dog sniff her. She pet her head. She comforted me as well, and almost disappeared from that moment on. She injected the sedative as Starlight was lying on her favorite pillow. It happened on her favorite pillow, in her favorite place outside. Starlight became heavier and heavier in my hands, being held with love in my hands. The heartbeat was still there but was much more calm and slowed down. My dog was in heaven. It was almost like she was smiling inside. Then came the moment of the final injection. I remember Linda asking me if I was ready and I really was because I knew I was doing the best thing for my dog. She had given me 15 years of true compassion. I was giving her "my last gift". I had Starlight cremated. I am waiting for the right day, the perfect kind of day Starlight loved, to spread her ashes along the path she walked ever day. Then I will be totally healed. I would strongly recommend everyone who loves his or her pets that much could live the same experience. It is available to anyone. Linda travels to people's homes all around the county. Linda is a very good observer, sponging in the dynamics of the owner of the pet, the pet, and of the environment. She respected the personality of those concerned. She didn't impose any self coming from her. She just went from the flow of the animal and the owner. I felt so respected. Now when I think of the moment, I smile. I did the right thing all the way to the very last moment. It was the best way I can think of to say good-bye. Linda is very gifted and able to handle this kind of situation with compassion and expertise. I am including her contact information for anyone who deserves to have the same positive experience as I did. It was worth everything.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

New blog

I have just created this blog for my business Goodbye At Home pet end of life services. I will use this blog to post stories and tips for pet owners. I have been serving the Sacramento valley for the past 3 years and have helped hundreds of families say goodbye to their beloved pets at home. Check back on a regular basis for stories and information.